
Script Auto Custom - Cinnamon Catppuccin on Linux Mint 21.+ Cinnamon

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Script Auto Custom - Cinnamon Catppuccin on Linux Mint 21.+ Cinnamon

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This script automates the customization of your Cinnamon desktop, aligning it with the layout featured in our "Make Your Cinnamon Desktop Warm and Aesthetic Look With Catppuccin Theme." Currently tailored for Linux Mint 21+ with Cinnamon Desktop 5 and above, we are actively developing versions for other Linux distributions such as Debian, Fedora, and Arch Linux.


  • install_auto_custom_lm.sh: This script streamlines system updates and installs the GTK theme, icon theme, cursor theme, fonts, wallpapers, Cinnamon Spices, Conky configurations, change Plymouth theme and Zsh shell
  • uninstall_auto_custom_lm.sh: This script serves the purpose of reverting your Cinnamon desktop to default settings by uninstalling or removing all resources installed by the install_auto_custom_lm.sh scripts.


Open terminal, Extract cincatv179.zip using unzip command:

   unzip cincatv179.zip

Enter to directory cincatv179

  cd cincatv179

Running scripts install_auto_custom_lm.sh

   chmod +x install_auto_custom_lm.sh


Have questions or need assistance? Feel free to reach out to us at linuxscoops@gmail.com.

Note: Stay tuned for upcoming script releases supporting Debian, Fedora, and Arch Linux.

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